What is Addiction?
An addiction meets typically two basic criteria:
1) You have difficulty controlling how much you use or how long you use. For example, one drink leads to more drinks, or one line of cocaine leads to more.
2) You continue to use even though it has negative consequences to your life. For example, you continue to drink even though it has hurt your relationships.
These two criteria define all addictions. They are true for drugs and alcohol, but they're also true for gambling addiction, eating disorders, and sexual addiction.
Recovery from Addiction
Recovery from alcohol, gambling, drugs, food and other addictions is a long and often a very difficult process. It is sometimes too easy to focus on the medical side of treatment and forget the emotional impact of addiction on your life. Inner Healing offers access to a range of therapy methods which will help you to overcome addiction problems by providing guidance, help and support.
Compulsive Behaviour
Inner Healing also offers expertise in the treatment of mild to complex anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) & spectrum disorders, and other related disorders with adults. The treatment emphasises reducing and eliminating anxiety, rituals and compulsions while at the same time confronting situations that provoke anxiety and the performance of compulsions. Inner Healing sessions utilise gradual exposure to feared thoughts and situations, while the client learns to overcome that fear and the need of compulsive behaviour.
Appointments and Fees
If you would like to book an appointment, please use the booking form on this website or phone or text me: Katherina Kavungu +353 (0) 861957734.
Sessions are available from Monday to Saturdays.
Session fees are €150 for the first session and €100 for each session thereafter.
I hold a diploma in Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IoPT), Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert (Spain), in Regression Therapy from the Regression Academy (UK) and in Hypnotherapy from the TherMedius-Institut (Germany).