“ The greatest glory in living is not in falling, but in rising every time we fall ”

Nelson Mandela

Welcome to Inner Healing!

My name is Katherina Kavungu and this website is dedicated to helping you live above stress, pain and trauma

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“ The greatest glory in living is not in falling, but in rising every time we fall ”

Nelson Mandela

Welcome to Inner Healing!

My name is Katherina Kavungu and this website is dedicated to helping you live above stress, pain and trauma

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How Can I Help You

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I offer a wide range of advanced treatments to support you on your way back to emotional and physical well being. Please click on the “read more” buttons below for more detailed information. Should you wish to call I would be delighted to answer any questions

Treatable Conditions

Treatable Conditions

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Regression Therapy

Regression Therapy

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Trauma & Family Constellations

Trauma & Family Constellations

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Inner Child Therapy

Inner Child Therapy

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Recovering from Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse

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Prenatal & Birth Traumas

Prenatal & Birth Traumas

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Depression & Anxiety

Depression & Anxiety

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Addiction and Compulsive Behavior

Addiction and Compulsive Behavior

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Entity & Spirit Clearing

 Breaking Off Dark Spirits

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How Can I Help You

Seperator Line

I offer a wide range of advanced treatments to support you on your way back to emotional and physical well being. Please click on the “read more” buttons below for more detailed information. Should you wish to call I would be delighted to answer any questions

Treatable Conditions

Treatable Conditions

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Regression Therapy

Regression Therapy

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Trauma & Family Constellations

Trauma & Family Constellations

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Inner Child Therapy

Inner Child Therapy

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Recovering from Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse

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Prenatal & Birth Traumas

Prenatal & Birth Traumas

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Depression & Anxiety

Depression & Anxiety

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Addiction and Compulsive Behavior

Addiction and Compulsive Behavior

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Entity & Spirit Clearing

 Breaking Off Dark Spirits

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Welcome Image

Katherina Kavungu

Regression Therapy & Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy

Dip Hyp. Dip RTh. Ct IoPT

Hello, My name is Katherina Kavungu and I have my private practice in Dublin, Ireland. I offer a variety of unique therapies including regression therapy, trauma therapy and alternative solutions customised for the individual client to achieve the maximum benefit in the least amount of time. You don’t have to endure the pain of difficult life experiences alone. I respect and affirm the right of each individual to identify their emotional and spiritual needs and find fulfilment through a variety of treatment options and specialised programs.

Welcome Image

Katherina Kavungu

Regression Therapy & Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy

Dip Hyp. Dip RTh. Ct IoPT

Hello, My name is Katherina Kavungu and I have my private practice in Dublin, Ireland. I offer a variety of unique therapies including regression therapy, trauma therapy and alternative solutions customised for the individual client to achieve the maximum benefit in the least amount of time. You don’t have to endure the pain of difficult life experiences alone. I respect and affirm the right of each individual to identify their emotional and spiritual needs and find fulfilment through a variety of treatment options and specialised programs.

How can the treatment modalities I offer help You?


Inner Healing offers a unique blend of regression therapy, trauma therapy and alternative solutions customized for the individual client to achieve the maximum benefit in the least amount of time.

Inner Healing can help you with:

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relationship difficulties between partners, parents and children

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post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

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concern for the well-being of children and siblings

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adoption, abortion and miscarriage

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addictions and obsessions

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loneliness and other behavioural issues

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illness, accidents

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death, suicide, bereavement and loss

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incest, rape, violence and murder

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divorce and separation

Book your
session today



Skype and Zoom Therapy Sessions

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Upcoming Workshops


Family and Trauma Constellations 1-Day

Next Workshop - 13 July 2024

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Upcoming Workshop Dates


Family and Trauma Constellations 1-Day

Next Workshop - 13 July 2024

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what happy clients say

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what happy clients say

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what happy clients say

"Thank you Katherina for how you have helped me. Since my constellation I have definitely felt a change in the way I feel about myself. Although it is subtle I know that I feel different. I am definitely kinder to myself and more assertive. Without your treatment I don’t think I would be as strong to deal with a difficulty I am now facing within my family. I seem to have so much more inner strength at the moment. I am forever grateful to you."

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ND, Dublin

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Hypnosis in Dublin Logo

Katherina Kavungu

Dip Hyp. Dip RTh. Ct IoPT

Phone: +353(0)861957734 | Email: info@innerhealing.ie

Hypnosis in Dublin Logo

Katherina Kavungu

Dip Hyp. Dip RTh. Ct IoPT